FK-KMK UGM. Inequality is a major problem in health services in Indonesia, an inequality in access to health and quality of health services. This inequality affects the burden that must be borne by the general public, especially in terms of health services in hospitals.

In the era of globalization, the era of disruption, collaboration is a solution in improving health services in hospitals, collaborations between institutions at the national level or at the international level. The collaboration aims to increase capacity so that health services become better for the community.

The Asia Medical Week-Indonesian Outreach “1st International Hospital Capacity Building Forum” facilitates hospitals in Indonesia and abroad to meet in forum to map existing problems in order to cooperate that so can increase the capacity of each hospital. “This collaboration covers three main things in resolving existing imbalances, there are collaboration in human resource, infrastructure and technology,” said the committee chairman Dr. Rukmono Siswishanto, M. Kes., Sp.OG (K). The event, held for two days, Friday-Saturday, November 22-23, 2019 at Tentrem Hotel Yogyakarta.

Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing (FK-KMK) UGM, Prof. dr. Ova Emilia, M.Med.Ed., Ph.D., Sp.OG (K) said that through the Asia Medical Week, we can explore the potential for collaboration and partnerships and also share the latest knowledge and technology to advance institutional capacity building in medical education, hospital management, and health technology. “In addition to developing new breakthroughs in health services and innovative research that give benefit of the community, and to prepare a safer and better prepared world in the face of global health,” she added.

Hopefully, that collaboration between hospital can improve human resources through developing human resource capacity. Starting from formal and non-formal education or training that can improve the skills of health workers.

Infrastructure improvement, sharing in facilities in a health service area, distribution of patients in emergency cases, disasters or outbreaks, and other infrastructure, so can fulfill the needs of the community in a more proportional and balanced.

The development of technology, with collaboration between institutions or other countries, can share and adopt technologies in health services according to the needs of each hospital. Thus the collaboration in health technology can provide services that are more effective, efficient and economical.

Collaboration between institutions provides significant benefits for 1) Communities as users of services, good human resources can give impact optimal quality of service to the community, 2) service providers (health workers) can improve skills more professionally, 3) payers, technology needs and medicines can be far more efficient, 4) tool and drug manufacturers will give benefit from the market development.

Hopefully, through this hospital capacity building collaboration forum, can produce rules and system mechanisms in terms of human resources, infrastructure and technology that hospitals can implement at national and international levels, improve service access and quality of service. Also, this collaboration can benefit all stakeholders, local problems can be solved more quickly in order to improve health services.

This forum is fully supported by RSUP Dr. Sardjito Yogyakarta, FK-KMK UGM, and Zhongshan Hospital, affiliated to Fudan University, China. (Reporter: Dian/IRO, translator: Vania/IRO)